Chinese New Year is a big thing. It is one of the most important celebrations of the year. Many people go back to their families, meet and eat. Pretty much like our Christmast, and likewise most of the cities shut down, so right now it's pretty calm and quiet on the streets. Well, apart from the fireworks. So I was told fireworks were banned in Beijing for a while, and apparently people are making up for lost time: new years eve was i n s a n e! Fireworks everywhere, car alarms going off all the time! It was very beautiful and frightening at the same time. And the celebration (with firecrackers) goes on for another week or so, I am not sure. Seems like it slowed down a bit though.
I was lucky and happy to be invited to my co-worker's family on new years eve. Most people are not very traditional but the older generation seem to be. We made dumplings and had a lot of traditional food, my co-workers mother in law made all the dishes, she was super sweet and nice! They have been living in Beijing for generations and also in the hutongs, which is kind of rare I guess. I learned that there is a lot of dis-similarities between the Singapore CNY and Beijing, which of course have to do with geography. So my ways are apparently south-chinese haha. I am so glad my co-worker invited me, it was extremely kind!
Co-worker and dumplings |
Yesterday I went to a Sping roll event. We got the chance to visit a museum in the hutongs were the owner told us a little bit about the traditions and showed us old tools. There are so many ocd things around cny. It was very nice to get the chance to see an auntie in action in the hutongs, she made very tasty spring rolls! Traditionally you eat them on this particular day, and they should contain specific things such as leeks and been sprouts.
Old school man and hot pot |
Pretty wood carving details (and huge flat screen) |
Ingrediences |
Spring roll making |
Oj oj oj, så himla kulturellt nyår! Vi var typ hemma och fixade med lägenheten, när vi inte jobbade dvs. Blev värsta inspirerad att gå på museum nu. Tur att vi får så mycket besök - kan säkert lura med nån av dem!! =)